28th. August 2000
The Web Master,
Socialist Malaysia
Dear Web Master,
Recently I came across an article titled "psm, where art thou?"
appearing in your website. The article among other accused PSM
of the following:
- PSM was active only during election
- No one knows what is happening to the party
- Socialist Malaysia intends to wake up PSM which is supposedly
in long slumber.
Firstly, let me congratulate your website for being lively as well
as being bold in its criticism. Secondly, let me correct some of
the above wild >accusation which could only come from socialist
who has too much free time to hentam the others. (Armchair socialist
or internetchair socialist).
It is important for us as socialist not to interpret the world but try
to change it.
PSM is actually just trying to do this. Though the party only contested
in one area (and almost contesting in another, but pulled out in the last
minute), the party launched its service center within one month after
the election in both these areas.
The service centers too are popular and receive various complaints.
Besides that PSM became the first party in history to take the Home
Minister to court to fight the issue of registration, which we claim
is our fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution.
Unlike Socialist Malaysia, which concentrates most of its issues on
political parties and calling names, PSM is very much busy with issues
of workers and settlers whom we consider the back bone of the nation.
The sad thing is the issues that PSM take up might not interest the
minority whom control the media and websites but is very much
appreciated by the working class.
Rather than just criticising, PSM hope Socialist Malaysia would do its
bit to highlight PSM activities. Then Socialist Malaysia will be able to
judge whether PSM is doing its job or not.
We call upon Socialist Malaysia to keep us on the alert but please do
a little ground work before you go for us. Please don't forget your
primary enemy - Capitalism.
Thank You
Sec. Gen. PSM